Why are surfboards like relationships?

Many of the ideas I get for articles, come from great conversations with good mates, this question was raised during a conversation with one of my good friends from work. I am going to try and leave it in its purest form and rewrite word for word what he said to me as I have it recorded.
“When I have a surfboard and I surf on it a lot and um I surf a heap of good waves and go through a bunch of gnarly situations with that surfboard, eventually the day comes where I put that surfboard into a situation where it is not up to it. And it breaks in half or breaks into three pieces or the leg rope snaps and the board goes missing, or you know eventually you part ways with the board it is just a piece of foam that's covered with fiberglass but that piece of board and fiberglass actually got you to places. It helped you through situations and when that thing actually snaps and you lose it or whatever, lose it on the beach, it gives you a chance to meet a new surfboard and ah go into another bunch of gnarly situations with that board!”
I knew I had struck gold and had to report this metaphor, people come and go in our life, not everyone is meant to stay for your lives entirely and whether it is friendships, relationships or any other form of shared experience, some people you meet are merely to learn from, they can also help you get out of dangerous situations, or even show you a side of things you have never seen before. Whether you like it or not if you want to surf you need a board, and if you want to live your life you will have to be involved with people.

I replied quickly saying “ One day you find that board that uh, never breaks and is good for all situations, let the good times roll!” he was quick to respond saying “yeah I have got this board at the moment its actually one of those boards where I have been through a lot with it, like on the first week that I bought it I was down at the gold coast and it was ahhhhhh I would have to say, it was the gnarliest I have ever surfed or had been out in before. When I went down to the gold coast there was a massive swell it was the start of 2018, and I bought this board the best board you could possibly buy and in that swell I really got my ass handed to me, and it is still going strong to this day it's my number one board.”
I truly believe we can find friendships and relationships that last for a lifetime, just like all boards can break, all people can perish, but its what we learn from them on the way that counts.
When a board breaks it can no longer take us to new places unless it is fixable, it is the same with our relationships we should not hold on to what is expired but accept, reflect, and move on.
Instead of focusing on the failure or the brokenness of a relationship, we should try and remember the valuable things it has taught us, and the fun and laughter we received, the intimate moments, or the stories we shared with them that we will tell forever.

When I reflected on this conversation I felt like I hadn't found that perfect board in my life yet, well at least not in the form of a human relationship but I wasn't thinking deeply enough, my most trustworthy board comes in the form of my relationship with Jesus Christ. We have seen many hardships together, many miracles, the good times, and the bad, laughter and tears. And no matter how high the waves or savage the swell, he never lets me down.
Here are some guarantees that I have chosen the right board.
“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.”
“He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.”
And here is how much he loves us.

Being a young person means going through a lot of boards and finding the right boards for the right occasion, some boards are good for little waves others for big. Not all boards can provide a good fit for all waves, but there are some rare ones that can so have hope and trust in the process. There is a good board waiting out there for everyone but for now, get out there and SURF!

Written by Luke Gaymer ( Luke Residuous)