How do I become more superior?

“I have spent over 40 years studying and researching this phenomenon, first in a personal pursuit and then also in a lifelong commitment to help others find some answers to their dilemma. I have come to the conclusion that the common pursuit of all humans is the pursuit of power, the desire to possess the ability to control one’s circumstances and destiny. I know this may shock you and perhaps cause you to go into denial. Most of us would not want to admit that we desire something as frightening as power, but the reality is that this is the basic desire in every human heart. When I use the term power, I am not referring to the tyrannical, oppressive, dictatorial control of people, but rather the ability to control one’s own circumstances and environment. It is this lack of control over our daily lives, situations, and circumstances that makes us feel so helpless and live as victims of life. For most of us life is simply a daily struggle as we try to stay afloat in a sea of uncertainty and pressures of all sorts. At the same time we wrestle with a sense of dignified slavery to the institutions of our societies.” Myles Munroe
So who has the power?
Is the one being served more powerful than the hard-working servant?
Is the man in the suit more superior than the man in the reflective vest?
When they both stand side by side in line for a hard-earned meal are both equally greater than the check out person?
Is there more power in giving? or taking?
You can take control of a child's mind by giving them an iPad, and you can do the same by taking it off them.
When meeting new people say at a party, for instance, most conversations start with knowing the very basics of a person’s identity.
“ Hi, my name is ______ nice to meet you!”
This then leads to (in the adult world anyway) to discuss things like
“ How do you know ( host of the parties name)”
A question that pops up nine times out of 10 that we dread is
(unless you do something super interesting)
“ What do you do for work?” or “What do you do with your time?”
He who holds the gold makes the rules.

Straight away here we have a power struggle, who’s job here is more interesting? Which job feels more worthy to spend more time discussing? People with more interesting jobs seem to get put into the spotlight, as we are talking about training seals here, aren't we? This usually makes the person with the less enticing job take a step back, listen, ask a million questions, and then when its there turn to say what they do they quickly brush over there job title and move onto the next stage of the conversation. Its the same when you bump into someone you have not seen in a while and they ask you “ What have you been up to” There are plenty of choices on what you can do here but ill stick to just two.
- Begin to explain what it is after all that you have been up too.
- “Ahh, not much but what have YOU been doing?”
I like to use the 2nd one as I dont want to hear myself recollecting what I already know to someone who doesn't really even want to be talking to me and if I wanted to test my memory I'm sure there's an app for that!
But, let's not forget what is really going on here after all.
Some people will be familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of needs.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a motivational theory in psychology comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. … From the bottom of the hierarchy upwards, the needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and self-actualization.
Let’s take a look at the serving that must be done, and who does it, to ensure most needs can be met.
A physiologist will sit in a room with you no matter how superior you are or not, and listen and care for your needs. Thank you for your SERVICE!
Gas store guy, A female physiologist is pumping gas before starting work for the day and is not feeling right this morning “I need a pick me up” so they grab an energy drink from the fridge, the gas store guy patiently stands and scans the psych worker's product with thanksgiving.
Delivery guy, not too long before this sale he had carefully stocked the fridges with all sorts of goods including energy drinks, which the gas store guy could sell later that day to A physiologist. The gas store guy couldn't help but notice that the delivery guy was a little shaken up and there was a new large dent on top of his truck.
“ If you feel like this why did you come into work today ” said the gas guy
“I can't afford to miss a day who else is going to SERVE dinner for my children”
Before getting gas, the psych worker witnessed a terrible accident luckily a policeman was near the scene to redirect traffic and the physiologist. As one of the traffic lights was damaged by a truck.
Love and belonging
On the way to work, Two notifications popped up on the physiologist’s phone. One was a news article about traffic congestion in the local area, it didn't take long for live news reporter woman to write a full article containing all the details about the day's accident which the physiologist quickly forwarded to a friend in the local area to warn her about what happened.
The second was a notification from “Happn” With over 90 million members, happn is the dating app that lets you find everyone you have crossed paths with; the people destiny has decided you should meet. HANG ON A SECOND
Is that the gas guy!
App creator girl is currently hanging out in her luxurious mansion, she spent years creating and developing that app so A physiologist could have an extra chance at finding love in her busy schedule.
Esteem, and self-actualization
Finally, the lady had arrived at work and after half an hour or so of prep, she was ready for her first client of the day.
The delivery guy, quietly entering the room a little shaken up he became to tell her what had really happened that day and why he lost control.
She told him that he shouldn't be so hard on himself and that it was an accident and how it was great how much he cared for his family. He left the room feeling encouraged and said “ Thank you for your SERVICE”
How many times was the physiologist served before she served anyone?
“The greatest among you will be your servant.” Jesus Christ
Hey mister! what happened to the party analogy?
And what about how do I become more superior?
Taking us back to the party setting, who won the power struggle, who was the better conversation piece? Was it the psychologist or the delivery guy and who truly served more? Who do you have more questions for the policeman or the gas store guy?
So who is more superior?
The greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who rules like the one who serves.
There is no greater act of love then self-sacrifice and love conquers all.
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only Son ( And for our service sacrificed him on the cross)
And whosoever believes will not perish
They shall have eternal life.
Are you saying the most superior and supreme is a servant?
Sure God is the most powerful and can tell you the number of hairs on your head and give and take away your breath in a second. But because he loves the world and all that he created he has dedicated his eternity to serving us. He has given everything to us even his own son to SERVE us a purpose. Think of a powerfully rich woman with the world at her fingertips surely she is more superior than her 4 yr old daughter she is yet to achieve anything, apart from doing some crayon art on the walls. This may be the case but watch this powerful woman put her life at risk in any opportunity that requires it for the safety of her daughter. God cannot die and therefore can serve us forever.
All the serving we do can happen because we are connected to the SERVER
So the closer you get to the server the more you want to serve and the more you put others first the more you come last but the first will be last and the last will be first so therefore if you want to be more superior and like the most superior then become a servant.
The Power Of Prayer
If you have not knocked on God's door before you can at any time just lookup the lord's prayer find a quiet place and pray with all your heart. This can lead to a life-changing experience that can end up with you being served many things that you lacked. Then later you can do the same by serving others because you now have what you need. If your door is already wide open to God, pray a prayer of thanks and pray for others.
Written By Luke Gaymer (Luke Residuos)