Even Connor needs security guards.

A Cleaner Plate
22 min readOct 26, 2020


Creator: Stephen R. Sylvanie | Credit: Stephen R. Sylvanie-USA TODAY Sports Copyright: Stephen R. Sylvanie

Every weekend I like to watch the toughest fighters on the planet punch and kick each other in the face for entertainment. Some of those involved would never have any problems defending themselves physically in a non-sporting situation, in fact, it’s mostly illegal to do so as being on the receiving end could be fatal.

When it comes to Connor his stardom is so huge that he needs extra protection, sure he could beat 1–2 maybe even 3 men but there’s only so much you can do. Even a professional driver can be on the road and have someone run up the back of them. Wouldn’t life be nice if we could control everything, even someone like Connor with many millions cannot stop covid and he cannot change the weather, some things are just out of our hands.

Risk assessments

Connor is a smart man and a businessman and when he goes out in public he wants to stay out of the newspaper unless well, that’s what he is aiming for then I’m sure he will be in there. Staying out of trouble involves seeing the unseeable, hoping for the best but preparing for the worse. It’s always better to have more than less, and to have something spare! Just in case. Some people call that paranoia some people call it being prepared as if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.

Fish out of water.

All security aside if Connor was on a plane that malfunctioned and began to plunge into the ocean depths, does he really have more control than any other ordinary person on the plane? Will his years of hard work and self progression enabled him to sprout wings and fly to safety or somehow become a great plane expert and fix the error mid-flight and save the day? Some people say all things can be controlled if someone is really on the ball, some people say it’s just luck, some say its destiny, some say it’s the law of attraction and some say it’s in God’s hands.

The person who is on the ball.

This person wakes up tracks there breakfast on an application, weighs there food has there smartphone with an alarm set to keep the momentum of the morning precise, they check the surf cam on the internet to see how the waves are as they start to eat their cereal, they check the weather forecast for the rest of the day. The surf looks good and the day will be great they finish their cereal tie their shoes, get into the car and head the way they always do, the quick way they get to the intersection the light goes green there midway across them boom! Black, everything goes black. A white light fuses into your vision and two ppl wearing surgical masks come into focus, “where am I!” You wake up later and a nice doctor begins to explain what happened you now know a car was running a huge red and smashed into your car, guess we won’t be going to the beach today will we, you say to yourself to try and brighten the mood, but the dread starts to set in and you realize that you can’t change what happened you cannot control it.


You tell yourself what bad luck, but you don’t believe in luck because you know you did everything right therefore luck had nothing to do with it you still feel unsatisfied.

Did I manifest it?

But how could I, I woke up with the birds chirping I listened to my best pump-up song I ate a healthy breakfast, I wasn’t thinking of ill-fortune or death or crashing or tragedy, I was actually just thinking about how much I was looking forward to getting to the beach. I was attracting positive energy to myself and here I am battered and bruised.

Gods hands?

Why would he do such a thing how can he forsake me if I dont believe in him?

God: who is this he, that you do not believe in?

You know God, if he allows us to suffer then why should I believe in him?

God: Now I can allow? I thought I didn’t exist go on?

You know what I mean! If you’re real come strike me down!

God: My son I already have.

That wasn’t you, it was the person driving the car!

God: So it was the person driving the cars fault not yours?

Exactly right and you didn’t strike me he did!

God: If you’re in control why did you allow that To happen? Why did you let him strike you?

I didn’t I pushed the accelerator when the light when green and he smashed into me

God: he? Dont you mean me?

Man your twisted I’m sure I will get the guy’s driver’s license soon enough and I’ll show you Who hit me it wasn’t you big man, and why would you brag about that aren’t you suppose to be all about love and compassion?

God: But who are you, a human being, to talk back to God? Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, Why did you make me like this? Does not the potter have the right to make out of the same lump of clay some pottery for special purposes and some for common use?

That’s what I dont get about you your such a hypocrite you say all these words and you let children suffer and die and numerous wars and suffering! You think you get to decide whos special and whos common do ya ill show you!

God: Show me what? Things you have accomplished or work you have completed? You have 5 fingers on each hand because of my grace, you have this ability. Or how far you can go? You have 5 toes on each foot because it is by my grace that you walk and progress into my promises, I have given you the ability to overcome, no matter what you walk through in life! What will you show me the sights you have seen tell me something great you have heard? I gave you 5 senses so you constantly are aware of your surroundings but really it is by my grace so you can perceive me. I have known smarter people than you who have never known how good I am, because I never gave them my god-given abilities for them to perceive me. Show me what? Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep? Have the gates of death been shown to you? Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness? Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this. What is the way to the abode of light? And where does darkness reside? Can you take them to their places? Do you know the paths to their dwellings? Surely you know, for you were already born! You have lived so many years! Have you entered the storehouses of the snow or seen the storehouses of the hail, which I reserve for times of trouble, for days of war and battle?

Blah blah blah, you still didn’t answer about the suffering? Touchy topic for yah is it?

God: Let me tell you two stories and ill explain what I can to you,

“There was once a rich man who dressed in the most expensive clothes and lived in great luxury every day. There was also a poor man named Lazarus, covered with sores, who used to be brought to the rich man’s door, hoping to eat the bits of food that fell from the rich man’s table. Even the dogs would come and lick his sores. “The poor man died and was carried by the angels to sit beside Abraham at the feast in heaven. The rich man died and was buried, and in Hades, where he was in great pain, he looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side. So he called out, ‘Father Abraham! Take pity on me, and send Lazarus to dip his finger in some water and cool my tongue, because I am in great pain in this fire!’ “But Abraham said, ‘Remember, my son, that in your lifetime you were given all the good things, while Lazarus got all the bad things. But now he is enjoying himself here, while you are in pain. Besides all that, there is a deep pit lying between us, so that those who want to cross over from here to you cannot do so, nor can anyone cross over to us from where you are.’”

God: Here another story

“As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been born blind. His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? Was it his own or his parents’ sin?” Jesus answered, “His blindness has nothing to do with his sins or his parents’ sins. He is blind so that God’s power might be seen at work in him.”Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.” In this verse, Jesus replied to His disciples’ question about who sinned, this man or his parents.

Now Jesus answered, “Neither this man nor his parents sinned, Instead of responding to His disciple’s question about the cause of this man’s blindness, Jesus gave the purpose of his situation. Jesus’ concern was not to assign blame; His answer was that the man’s blindness related to neither his sinning nor his parents. No specific sin caused this blindness. Jesus rejected the idea that health and prosperity is the result of whether we sin or not. The man’s blindness was not the result of his sin or his parents’ sin. God does not give His favor strictly on whether we sin or not. Bildad was wrong in his view that only the righteous prosper (Job 8:6).

Sometimes the righteous suffer. but that the works of God should be revealed in him. God has a providential design behind all suffering. Jesus redirected the disciples’ focus to the Father’s mission for Him on earth. He shifted the emphasis from the healing of the blind man itself to the purpose of his healing. Jesus did not imply here that the man or his parents never sinned. His words do not contradict the idea that men sin universally. Rather, He meant that the blindness was not caused by a specific sin. There is no universal tenet implied in this statement, because it relates to Christ and His ministry on earth.

PRINCIPLE: Suffering is an opportunity for God to demonstrate His grace.

APPLICATION: All our personal sufferings are occasions whereby we can manifest God’s glory in our lives (Jn 11:4).

This is His purpose for us. Our pain is an opportunity to manifest God’s grace on us and through us. God does not always reveal why He does what He does. We can praise Him in any circumstance because of His providential care. God never allows anything to happen to us that does not occasion His glory. God created us for His glory and not that we might be a success in life. If we do not understand this point then we will develop distortions of God’s purpose for our lives. God uses our physical problems to manifest who He is. God showed His glory through the healing of the blind man. If we hold on to the idea that we must be free from trouble and that we must be comfortable in all situations, then we are not living in a real world. This will lead to resentment and hostility against God and others. The proper attitude is to give thanks in everything, not for everything (1 Th 5:18). This perspective will influence others on how to deal with pain in one’s life (2 Co 1:3–11). Misfortune is not God’s primary will. He works in us through and in our problems. Sin and its consequences is due to rebellion again Him. Suffering is a test of our faith. We do not deny or avoid pain because of this. Not all disease can be traced to sin. Some sinful behavior can result in sickness. Neither is the degree of sickness is not always related to sinful behavior (Lu 13:2–5).

However, all sin is remotely due to the sin of Adam and Eve. And less remotely, personal sin is sometimes the cause of suffering. God does not give tit for tat in every situation. If our suffering is the direct result of our sin, then it occasions us to receive God’s grace of forgiveness. If our affliction is not due to our personal sin, then it is an occasion for God to manifest Himself through us to others. We cannot universalize these principles. Some sorrow defies explanation. We need to be careful that we do not attribute evil to God’s will. Evil comes from rebellion against God.

Well, that sort of explains things a little bit however I still choose to not believe in you.

God: That is fine I have given you the choice to choose, I would never force anyone to love me it is a shame though.


God: Well I brought you into this situation that you would finally turn to me, but it seems this is where you will spend your final hours…


God: It’s true the other man in the crash I was just speaking to, and he decided not to follow me either, it pains my heart but it was his decision he passed away mere minutes before we started this conversation.

Ahhh you make me so mad! How can you not show mercy to someone you didn’t allow to know you in the first place?

God: I choose you from the beginning. To be saved by the sanctification of the Spirit and by faith in the truth. For those who don’t know dont know what they are missing out I made them be ever seeing but never perceiving, and ever hearing but never understanding; otherwise they might turn and be forgiven.

So you choose them to never know you? But why?

God: Who knows my mind? Who has ever been my counselor? I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. You are prepared to ask but are you prepared to know? Will you study to find an answer or will you only accept quick truths. You want to know it all but spend none of your time studying, you want to live your life without me but call upon me now to give you a second chance. I will save your life just this once if you ask for forgiveness, but it does not end there you must hand over your life also, and many things that are a part of it I will change.

Well, I don’t wanna die I guess, why do you bother with all this stuff anyway why not just start off with everyone in heaven then? Why do I have to strive here for that?

God: Not only can heaven be found on earth as everything I made is good, but I also made earth almost as like a trial heaven, so I could make the invisible realms of heaven visible on earth, each idea is formed from the imagination in the invisible realm and only when we birth it can a shared experience happen on the physical seeable earth when we think of ideas they come from the invisibility of our thoughts, of our mind and we manifest them in the physical world when we create from our ideas. The universe was a blank canvas that I decided to paint with color added trees, water and formed humans out of the clay of the earth. I gave the characters I created stories, destinies, personalities, a purpose you didn’t think I would want to be here all alone, did you? I’m the greatest the highest and the most powerful but without you, all who would know apart from my son? Have you ever wondered if an action movie hero could really do the things he does in movies in real life? I think the same with all of my children can they act down here like they will in my presence cause if you are worthy down here surely you are worthy up here, by the way, it will be hard to hear but I want you to give up surfing.

Absolutely not! You lost me there buddy without surfing I don’t know What I would do! I love surfing it’s my favorite I am a surfer there’s no way I’m giving it up.

God: Finally you understand how I feel about you.

Your afraid to give me up?

God: I would never give you up but I will never force you to acknowledge me, what you give up you will gain from, I have things stored for you beyond your wildest dreams. It’s time for you to sleep now, but if you decide to walk with me I will show you all the secrets of your heart as I know it better than you do.

Where were we ahh yes Connor Mcgregor, you see I have been to many places where I definitely needed security, someone to watch over me and I always use the cheapest and richest form of that which is protection from God.

God protects you even when things have already gone wrong if you’re at a pub and you get bashed and the security guard intervenes but it’s too late, will the guard be there by your side at the hospital (would be a little weird if he was) but God can help you see curses as blessings even if you fail to ask for protection and you end up in a pickle, he won’t fail to pick up the pieces that have been scrambled.

Never once has one of my prayers of protection failed, I have prayed for years over thousands of situations and god always shields me. We mustn’t forget we live in a spiritual world but everyone is wrapped in flesh, even the mightiest warrior of the flesh has no chances against the one who carries the sword of the spirit which is God’s word. When I say a statement like that you might think I mean that some pleb can beat a tyrant cause he believes in god and well I do think that is true it’s not what I mean.

You ever got on a quiet train only for it to be filled with trouble?

Ever gone to exchange foreign currency in an overseas country nearly get ripped off but take a risky decision to stand your ground and get your right amount only to feel blessed when you are told someone was shot in the face for doing the same the next day?

These variables are spiritual God controls the uncontrollable so when God is on your side the lights go green the parking lot is empty the thugs go to another carriage, do you understand that the easiest way to win a fight is to never fight and that the real enemy is our bodies and our minds speaking lies. Sometimes God wants you to be on that carriage of thugs but for a reason and if you are one of his children he will never put weight on your shoulders knowing you cannot carry it.

However, the next example I use is a scenario when a pleb did beat a giant, and let’s see how the spirit and flesh analogy play out in it.

David VS Goliath

When it went down “Goliath was 6 cubits tall he had a kid with 6 fingers on each hand (talk about incest) and his spear weighed 600 shekels of iron”

Anytime you see flesh and things that have to do with man, God likes to stamp the number six all over it. ( As you can see here Goliath was the gold standard for a warrior in the flesh) When you are dealing with flesh, you are dealing with someone like Goliath who likes to boast proudly about what they can do and how tough they are. You are dealing with something that is in direct opposition to God’s plan. Let me sidetrack for a second and talk about an experience I had in this modern time.

Connor VS Khabib

As I said before I like to watch the UFC every weekend it has taught me a lot about God and life and everything, I find it is the complete sport but look I’m not here to convince you to watch it I’m here to tell a relevant story.

As when any hyped-up exciting fight is presented on the cards, it is traditional for me to pick who I think will win and tell everyone I know who is interested, I had had enough of McGregor at this stage as I felt he had lost the plot and was over boasty and overproud. But Connor presented a serious threat to Khabib and that wasn’t to be denied.

People would ask and ask me what I thought and I would say “look I’m not sure ill have to wait till the day to make my prediction”, as I knew Khabib had the skills to take him down and control the fight however Connor is one of the most powerful & precise fighters in the game. On the day of the fight, I arrived at the station with my friend Coen and A thought in my head emerged as I still was unsure who would win. Khabib will win this surely I thought we have here the dilemma of a man who believes in himself or a man who believes in god or something outside of himself.

It turned out the man who believed in things outside himself was able to do the job, The man who trusted in his father and God. We too must trust in the father who is our God, what was fascinating was that Connor became “humbled” and when he was booked to fight Cowboy Cerrone awhile after, instead of saying what he normally does like I will finish him in this round I will make it happen in this way, The I was replaced, he started saying things like God willing I get the victory? Excuse me what? If that isn’t becoming humbled and realizing there is something bigger than yourself I don’t know what is and sometimes for characters like Goliath and Connor it takes the world stage the bright lights the biggest fight in the world (at that time) to teach them that lesson.

I truly believe God blessed Connor’s hands until the day Connor became too big for God he forgot who made him the special thing that he is and even if he doesn’t believe in god he became too big for any human to bear, he became a big flesh! For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Khabib retired yesterday he stayed humble throughout it and finished his career exalted. I believe in Jesus Christ and maybe some will say me and Khabib pray to a different god but I look up to his discipline with reverence it truly is championship quality, he always thanks and trusts in his god.

Screenshot Taken From UFC 254 Embedded Vlog series episode 4

Before his last fight written on his mirror with a marker was “When Allah is with you nobody can beat you” When God is with you nobody can beat you! I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. No, I am not going to talk about Jon Jones another time perhaps.

The fact is that Connor is a rare individual, He had some much faith in himself he shook the world and gained belts, money and power, and prestige. To be able to believe in yourself like that is no small feat, believe me, people think they can do anything that put there mind to but how many Connors are there and how many just people are there.

There is also nothing wrong with self-belief as God wants us to be warriors on our own accord making our own decisions to be our own people sometimes, but he wants us to tap into his support especially to do extraordinary things and when we are lead to victory he wants us to give it up to the one who got us through.

God as the father analogy works well as with children you want them to feel supported but also not to do everything for them etc, and you also don’t want to be a kid who always asks for things but is never thank full or never frankly does anything, I’m not going to explain this analogy any further use your imagination but think of yourself as a child and God as your father when you think of this deeply you will notice what kind of child you are. You will realize it’s okay to ask for things, but that you should ask for all things with thanksgiving, you will realize just like with family it’s always good to spend time with them, and sometimes it’s also good to be alone. The ultimate belief to eventually gain is that you can do nothing without the help of your father but can do everything with his help. Therefore it’s not about taking credit who cares about credit when your on top of the world whether you got there by slugging up the mountain step by step or got the helicopter ride you still made it! Hang on a second “You still made it” see how easy it is to give yourself credit let me rephrase it whether you got there by slugging up the mountain step by step or got the helicopter ride thank God he got me where I needed to be. That’s better, its the same with UFC winning a championship is like climbing the highest mountain, and for many Christian fighters when they win the first thing they do is give it up to God they give him the first glory as they recognized they could not have done it without him. Its the same with our buddy Khabib he always says “alhamdulillah” All praise be to God. Words aren’t just words they mean something the world was created with words get with the program!

The simple thing I found out that helped me was that when I believed I was God and that my life was in my hands and that I could do anything. I still woke up the next day and went to work with no sense of any godly power. I allowed myself anything my heart desired ( well this is incorrect from the whiff of wisdom I have had over the years since that time was that it was not my heart at all just what I thought it wanted) and most of the time this lead to heartache or trouble etc.

You believe I am God I can do anything but still have to get up to the same job you always go to and then the power sucks right out of your soul. When I started to believe in a higher power outside of myself all the possibilities became possible and things like going to work became, well I’m here cause that’s where God wants me and he will use this, and if I obey he will show me greener pastures. Now I am happy and blessed and when turmoil comes my way instead of folding to it and being self-destructive I thank and ask the father to help me.

The point I’m trying to make is, me believing I was the master of the universe and my reality never worked for me as I could never believe, that is why I am saying its impressive Connor not only could believe it but got so far with it, but only so far. I couldn’t believe it cause I grew up the little brother, the youngest of all family members you really expect me to believe I am God haha good luck.

Connor could only go so far and I don’t just mean in this world but the next, and I mean no offense in this but only truth. Think of this also

“A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, loving favor rather than silver and gold.”

Connor Mcgregor’s life is filled with controversy and sometimes criticism and slander.

Khabib Nurmagomedov is always talked about with respect and honor does not God see the same when his time comes, if he continues as he has been on his journey.

Khabib even sacrificed his riches (how much he would be paid for his fight against Mcgregor) for his namesake when he jumped out of the octagon at UFC 229. He didn’t care about the money but defending his honor.

“One who is a samurai must before all things keep constantly in mind…the fact that he has to die. If he is always mindful of this, he will be able to live in accordance with the paths of loyalty and filial duty, will avoid myriads of evils and adversities, keep himself free of disease and calamity and moreover enjoy a long life. He will also be a fine personality with many admirable qualities. For existence is impermanent as the dew of evening, and the hoarfrost of morning, and particularly uncertain is the life of the warrior…

Photo by Ryunosuke Kikuno on Unsplash

Goliath also just so happen to have 6 pieces of physical armor, but the spiritual warrior has 7 non of which are physical here they are.

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. “

  1. The Helmet of Salvation

2. The Breastplate of Righteousness

3. The Belt of Truth Lord

4. The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace

5. The Shield of Faith

6. The Sword of the Spirit Holy Spirit

7. Prayer a way to get “one” up on the enemies 6.


For all the years I have worked my current job and all the dangerous places I have been to, I spend time before I enter these places of potential peril praying. Whether I am sitting on the train or walking towards my destination, as I pray each piece of armor onto me I imagine the holy armor on my body it shines with a golden glow and I feel like I have angelic power as it shines on my body, then I feel a sense of calm I am now ready for anything.

Protect your neck with prayer.

Even if you are cornered by demons in the shadow of death you will fear no man if you know god has you armored to the teeth, if you know he is looking out for you. What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

It isn’t just about protection You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it so that the Son can bring glory to the Father.

I guess god is a bit like T.I,



Written by Luke Gaymer (Luke Residuos)

Many of the content to do with particular numbers in the bible, I quoted and slightly reworded “Numbers that preach” by Troy A. Brewer

I recommend the read if you feel like you are communicated to spiritually by numbers and want to know the importance of the sequences.

Also when God explained why people suffer this I took from an article I read along time ago https://versebyversecommentary.com/2017/06/06/john-93/

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A Cleaner Plate
A Cleaner Plate

Written by A Cleaner Plate

A conspiring mind, A mouth to share, A spread of good news, A chance to SAVE.

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