Corona Virus?

A Cleaner Plate
16 min readJun 9, 2020

Let’s break it down.
Here are some old texts that I have made relevant by changing some words around:
“The government forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the government's name or the number that stands for the name.”

Now, let’s relate this to our current situation.
Soon when lockdown begins we will only have access to necessary services such as the supermarkets etc and to go anywhere else the military or police will take control (not that extreme but you get the idea). This though, the corona virus I believe is just a test to see how much dominion they really have upon us, don’t hit them up with the chip too early you will scare them — lets put our toes in the water first. So now they have proven they can herd us sheep into pens they deem are necessary, what else then can they enforce to be necessary.
When you lead/make rules and people follow, you are the ruler, a king so to speak, if we take it back to medieval terms. A king wears a crown to show that he is the most powerful ruler of the lands. In our current time the government rules over the land it is appointed to but does not wear a crown. This puts us under the illusion that we are not being ruled and that the government is here for the “greater good”, and our own safety. No face is attached to our government as it is a group of many, whereas before one person was king and one person was responsible and held accountable for leadership decisions. If the people didn’t like what the king did he could be put on trial which could result in regicide, which is the killing of a person in a royalty position.
This may lead to the argument that we can select our leaders, but when we take the white house, for instance, all we can do is change the spokesman and not the teams inside. Therefore, the agenda remains untouched. We cannot fight what we cannot see or name or even in some cases believe, and their trickery is a masterpiece. (I will speak later on how we actually can). Therefore, we cannot blame anyone or hold anyone accountable: we are left frustrated and disbelieving, with a feeling of hopelessness.
Corona is the Spanish word for crown, so to rule the people we are using the crown, the crown virus, a virus to rule the people. Now if we consider the concept of rulership again, that they would like to return to, let’s look deeper into this potential agenda. The government, or “powers that be”, is a broad collective that actually governs universally. We have this displayed in things like the United Nations etc and I believe people now especially due to social media are more connected than ever, which I’m not saying is a bad thing necessarily (smiley face) but does make it easier to control us all at the very same time and send wider messages to a wider audience. Now if there ‘were’ a group that was above the United Nations and it was in secret when you decided you wanted to start to rule the people rather than govern them, how does the king know who are his people and who isn’t? Especially when you have such a wide variety of people from all different religions and cultural backgrounds and even multiple countries — literally people from all over the world.
Well, you ask them, but it’s not that simple because if you have power over the lands you have control over all resources, with food and water being the most essential. We all know since Spider-Man that “With great power comes great responsibility”. If you obey the king you will have access to the king’s land and resources and become part of his kingdom, Sounds pretty reasonable, doesn’t it? But what if someone told you that the King (government) was capable and responsible at times for murdering innocents? Does that make you fear them? Does that make you respect them? We all know the difference between Fear and Respect, but sometimes through an illusion, one can resemble the other, although the truth still remains once it is broken down. Put yourself in the shoes of the King or government, If the world became crowded and something had to be done would you:
A) Put in place rules to stop parents from having as many children as they want. Tell your kingdom that there are simply too many and that we need to work together for change. If we could band together to quarantine, can’t we band together to do the best for the collective, or do we only band together to save ourselves, because it is our lives on the line. Is this why we have seen such selfishness in these times of crisis?
Tell all your people that unfortunately, we need to reduce numbers immediately and that people from the age of 75–95 would be culled by a firing squad or something more humane like a cyanide pill or something?
C) Create a virus that kills mostly the elderly and could only be traced from an origin area, making it difficult to determine whether it was man-made or some sort of tragic “accident”. Don’t admit to creating it, and therefore never be held responsible.
You can see from these 3 examples which I will say are pretty poor examples and are extreme, with option C which is the main example I wanted to put to the forefront. You never tell the people the truth, it’s no different to an old fashioned “knock and run”: you open your door and no one is there, and there is no evidence at the scene. This form of rulership is like a serial killer destroying all the evidence at the scene and never going to court because they never get caught and convicted. You then see this serial killer at your local Coles and you smile at them as they pick up the fruit that you dropped and place it back into your basket. Would you accept this fruit if you knew what he had done or what he was capable of? If the answer is yes, then the King must have a way to know you are one of his own. This is what we were talking about — what do we leave in a book when we know we will come back to it later? How do we keep attendance? we MARK it. This is an easy way to know who the king rules over and who he doesn’t. Now let’s look back at our old text that we begun this with shall we?
“ The government forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, slave and free, to have a mark placed on their right hands or on their foreheads. No one could buy or sell without this mark, that is, the government's name or the number that stands for the name.”
Now just like the government, I wasn’t completely honest with this old text. I changed it so you would read it, because it is straight out of the bible, just with the word “Beast”, replaced with the word “government”.
Now we have the part of the verse that says the mark will be the governments (beasts) name or the number that stands for that name. Let’s again look at the word Corona, and then look at the next part of the old text.
CORONA is a 6 lettered word. C in the alphabet is the 3rd letter O in the alphabet is the 15th letter R in the alphabet is the 18th letter O in the alphabet is the 15th letter N is the 14th and lastly, A is the 1st letter when added all up it equals 66 we are left with 666 which is the governments/beasts number. Hurray, we got there! Now, let's drop the next verse shall we of the old text:
“This calls for wisdom. Whoever is intelligent can figure out the meaning of the number of the beast, because the number stands for the name of someone. Its number is 666”

Now if we dive into the texts a little deeper, can we find out if this new king figure that appears is good or evil? Before I gave you the example of not giving the truth when I let you choose from some possible scenarios. It is well known that in politics and what is televised, that usually the truth is a lie, and if they lie it is the truth, or at least there is some truth behind it. There is another common saying “ You can't handle the truth” and I saw a funny meme recently that said if this is how people react to the Corona Virus imagine if we told them about the aliens. This concept, even though funny, has some truth in it. But the fact remains that withholding information whether someone can handle it or not is still not truthful. We all have had that moment in conversation with someone where we can read on their face that they want to say something but are holding back, and we always say: “ I know you’re hiding something from me tell me?” We would rather know the truth, and this rings true even in extreme cases when parents want to find out the identity of their child’s murderer, and see him punished, even after the child’s life has been taken, why? To find peace, and to work towards acceptance that is only possible when the lawbreaker is brought to justice. The truth will set us free, we know this.

Now this ancient text explains the nature of the beast or the government (whatever you would like to call it) and you can determine what side they are really on.
“He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.”
I can understand if you don’t see the connection between the old texts and life right now and I’m sorry to hear that, so this section of text is for you. Here we will see how the lovely government has been using us as guinea pigs for some time.
Dr. Thomas Cowan pointed out that every time there has been a pandemic in the last 150 years, there was a large leap in the electrification of the earth shortly before.
In the fall of 1917, Radio waves were introduced globally, and Spanish flu broke out just months later in 1918.
In 1968, the Hong Kong flu emerged, shortly after we put satellites emitting radio frequencies into orbit around the earth.
Now, we are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, shortly after 5G towers began being place all around the world.
• Spanish flu 1918, Radio Wave Introduction
• Hong Kong Flu 1968, Introduction of satellites
• Introduction of SARS, H5N1 2002–2003, 3G
• Swine Flu, H1N1, MERS-Cov, 2009- current, 4G
• COVID-19, 5 G
Something that I have always found to be a bit fishy when it comes to technology is that we are always hit with an upgrade regardless of whether we need or even want it!. I’m all for technology, and I usually buy the newest gaming console, but when It comes to a phone I’m not really fussed and I just get what is cheap and is available.
Mobile data is cool, I mean I use it now, and it's hard not to have it really but I held out for a bit. But when I heard 5g was in the works, I thought, why? I’ve already noticed people watching Netflix in full HD with no lag on the train? What do we need 5g for? Do you need to download the entire 5 seasons of Breaking Bad before you get to Sydenham station or your head will explode? Either way, if that was the case, why doesn’t the government let us vote or ask us if we want an upgrade? They let us vote if we are choosing one of their people? Hmmm. It’s a strange one really, I suppose they really do know what is good for us. Maybe fast internet for our personal download is worth a relative or two. Hmmmmm, never of thought of it in that way. The government is like the person who tells one good joke and thinks they are the funny guy all of a sudden — keeping the same energy but giving us worse and worse material. For example, we get the 3G -“oh that’s pretty cool man thanks dude”. 4G — “oh okay that’s a bit faster no worries”. 5G — “bro we good”.It has always been said “too much of anything will hurt you”.
I won't even begin to talk about the lies on the TV and the fear-inducing propaganda. Or how now they have a good excuse to ban cash because of germs, taking even more freedom from us when that was their plan anyway. (PUBLIC PUSHBACK, the key to stopping revolting is to push fear. If I tell you I’m doing it you’re gonna say “Nah” if I give you a reason for you to think it’s a good idea you’re gonna be willing to accept the idea) We won't even talk about the Chinese regime with their potential war starting behavior because to me it does not matter what order, or who does what. All these countries and all these governments are simply chess pieces on aboard. It does not matter if the bishop (China) threatens the rook (America) or vice versa. Change any of the country names, it does not bother me.

We get the same result in the end game just like we get the same results in all movies. I always wondered why the good guy wins, because you know why it just feels right. We know it to be right somewhere deep inside us — we already know the story, we have just chosen to forget the truth and the light because of this dark world we have to walk upon.
“Scare the masses to control the masses, scare them enough that they will beg you to take their rights away”.
Now I’m not saying that this is the end of the world — as the texts say we can never fully predict it. But I believe this is the beginning of the end as the devil is running out of time.
“But woe to you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath because he knows that his time is short!”
And plus if you were trying to wipe out a fair bit of the population and the people fought back, and you didn’t hit the numbers you were expecting, all you have to do is next time up the ante — SIMPLE, EH? It is a flex of power and just giving the government a reminder that they have us where they need us. There is an old saying “The best way to control a cow is to give it a bigger pasture”. This illusion of freedom makes the cow forget it’s in the field and could be picked for slaughter at any time, notice that before they are butchered they are taken to smaller and smaller fenced areas until they walk down the hall and meet their death. The government controls where we go, does that make you feel comfortable? If we use the chess analogy again we have to be a pawn if we want to share the board (live in a country).
The devil was cast down to earth and rules over it, “We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one.”
he will use the government and its puppets to do his bidding, they are merely setting the groundwork. They have simply prepared a crown for the Devil’s coronation, cause let’s face it, when did a king create his own crown? he has people for that.
But don’t be worried there is more than one king, we have the knock off and the real one, and we all know the real shoes are comfier and more durable and worth the price. Now, what if I told you the price has already been paid for the real shoes and you could have them for free, the only thing was that you had to wait for them, and to have patience and faith that they would be given to you? And that the knock offs you got straight away but you had to pay a cheap price, just your soul. And every time you walked around in them you knew deep down that you and other people were thinking that they just aren’t the real ones.
Let’s now dive into what makes a good king probably just the opposite of the king I described before. Here’s what the text says about the other king:
“If you abide in my word you will know the truth & the truth will set you free”
“The sum of your word is truth, and every one of your righteous rules endures forever” I don’t know about you but I’m getting some pretty blatant yin & yang vibes here.
The beast offers us a life of materialism and lust and greed, which leads to feelings of emptiness. Kind of like the feeling you have when you are lied to. God offers us the truth and teaches us about love, kind of like the feeling you feel when you are happy. You see, the devil lies to us just like the government, and he makes it seem real pretty. Let’s picture him as a car salesman: He butters you up and tells you that you NEED and deserve this new Mercedes he has for you, oh and you just have the right amount of money he is looking for. DID HE JUST HALVE THE PRICE? o how kind of you sir. You signed the papers and hand over the money. You put the key in and twist to start the engine… hang on…. You twist the key to start the engine….. still nothing. The devil gave you what you wanted, not what you needed, and guess what? he didn’t even go through the terms and conditions.
He made you sign and before you know it, you regret ever meeting the man. It’s a bit too late then isn’t it?

Now let’s go to the car dealership again. This time we are greeted by God: “Hey holy man, whaddup!” (thank you if you have read this far). He doesn’t even talk to you about what car you want because he already knows what you need, but he also explains clearly what he expects from you with the deal and what you can expect from him. When you stepped into the car lot you won't lie to yourself, you wanted to leave with a brand new BMW.
God ends up selling you a preowned car, it is still a BMW not a scratch on it, but it is not new. Because you bought the second-hand car, you did however have 4 grand spare. Weeks go by and you can't help but think you wanted the new one, you see them all the time and feel like the car dealer did you wrong. The next day your dog is hit by a car, what do you know the surgery is 4 grand, (now I'm not gonna paint a picture like the dog survived, etc and I could have used another example like a family member suffered from the fires and you had that 4 grand to lend to help, and change there life. What I am trying to say is that God works in mysterious ways and even if the devil sold you the merc and it worked, you still had nothing left to give. God knows you better than anyone else because he created you and made a plan for your life)

People like to use this standpoint to debate about religion, they say, “well I’d rather be prepared that there is a God and if I die I go with him, and if I don’t and he is real then I’m screwed.” Of course, this debate goes back and forth, and people talk about wasting all that time with religion and it turned out to be true. Well, let’s use the virus again. Would you have rather known that this was going to happen and to be prepared for it? To have your toilet paper and your food, to have set up your home gym. Had a laptop handy to work at home? Sounds ideal.
Anyway, I have given you a lot to think about, but the most important part is to follow God. They can take everything away from us but our spirit, so get to know Jesus Christ and give your life to him. Would you rather the father of lies or the father of truth own you? I have been through many trials and tribulations, had near-death experiences, expanded my mind with many different texts and different religions, and many ways of thinking. I have experimented with many mind-altering/opening substances. But the only thing that truly saved me and changed the empty feeling I had inside was the love of God and Jesus Christ. I urge you if you have never, to get in contact with Jesus, and read the bible. If you don’t know how to message me. And if you are already saved do not rely on what you have done so far. This is the time to knuckle down — the rest has been practice this truly is make or break. As DMX used to say, “ THIS IS NOT A GAME!” And just as Tupac used to say: “ You drop the D from the Devil you get Evil you add an O to God you get GOOD”
Do you want to live a good life? You are the O that must be added, U, and only you. You add to God's army and he will add to you TENFOLD.
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.”
“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah has conquered”
We have all seen The Lion King. Are you with Mufasa or Scar? We all know who is the real LION.

You Choose.

Written by Luke Gaymer (Luke Residuos)



A Cleaner Plate

A conspiring mind, A mouth to share, A spread of good news, A chance to SAVE.